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Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal in Dallas, Ft Worth & Cleburne
Unwanted facial and body hair is a common problem that can be a source of distress for both men and women. That’s why many of our patients seek out the expertise of our highly trained team for laser hair removal, which is long-term and can offer permanent hair reduction. Dr. Malouf Dermatology offers laser hair removal in Forth Worth and Dallas area.
Cosmetic Dermatologist Experienced In Laser Hair Removal Treatment
Getting Soft, Smooth Skin You Can Love
The light from the lasers is absorbed by the pigment in your actively growing hair, which effectively disables the hair follicle in which it rests. This hair removal treatment can be individually tailored to the patient’s skin type, thus maximizing safety and efficacy. This laser technology can remove hair from both the face and body, even being effective in areas as sensitive as the upper lip.
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